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You Work Hard – Save 10% on Two TERAs – Labor Day SALE!

BetterSafeRadio Protect Your Stuff Labor Day 2016 Promo

You work hard. Protect Your Stuff!

Save 10% On Two TERA TR-505 Radios*

Labor Day SALE 2016

BetterSafeRadio Protect Your Stuff Labor Day 2016 Promo

Pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for safety, recreation or emergencies, this commercial-grade, rugged handheld two-way radio will provide years of at-the-ready service, whenever you need it.

*Good for Labor Day 2016 Only on the TR-505 – One Coupon Per Order.

Checkout with Coupon Code: LD16

Happy Labor Day from!

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Celebrate American Independence with the BetterSafeRadio Four For The 4th SALE!

BetterSafeRadio Four For The 4th SALE 2016

As we celebrate our American Independence this 4th of July, we pledge not to take our freedom for granted.

As preppers, we acknowledge that enjoying such freedom includes being prepared to protect and defend it, and to help our family and fellow citizens when disasters (or worse) strike.

BetterSafeRadio Four For The 4th SALE 2016To that end, we offer $4 off our TR-505 GMRS/MURS/HAM/WX Emergency Two-Way Radio, an essential part of your emergency preparedness kit or SHTF bug-out bag.

Programmable with the frequencies you need to stay safe, call for help or provide emergency assistance, this commercial-grade, full-power handheld two-way radio will provide years of at-the-ready service, whenever you need it.

Save now and until the 8th of July 2016. Make sure you checkout with Coupon Code: FourFor4th

Happy 4th from!

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Welcome to BetterSafeRadio!

Two-Way Radios Category

Introducing the new BetterSafeRadio site!

A new venture spearheaded by license Amateur Radio operator Mark Lindsey (K6LED), aims to serve peppers, families, Neighborhood Watch & CERT groups, and organizations with the latest information about emergency two-way radio communications, with the mantras: “hope for the best, prepare for the worst” and “Better Safe Than Sorry!

These words of wisdom have been borne out time and time again through history, and with a growing threat from man-made and natural disasters, it’s really just a matter of time before one might be faced with a serious or even life-threatening emergency. BetterSafeRadio will show readers just what they need in terms of portable GMRS, MURS, FRS, CB & Ham/Amateur radio gear, how to best utilize the different radio bands available, and how to program and operate emergency radios.

We’re still busy rolling out EmComm (emergency communications) info, two-way radio gear & accessories, and will be adding new features and signature BSR ReadySetGo™ kits over time. Please check out our first hot deal on the TERA TR-505 GMRS/MURS/WX Dual-Band VHF/UHF Two-Way Radio and come back and visit again soon!

73 de K6LED

(that means Best Regards or Cheers from Me (call sign), in Ham radio speak)