Introducing the new BetterSafeRadio site!
A new venture spearheaded by license Amateur Radio operator Mark Lindsey (K6LED), aims to serve peppers, families, Neighborhood Watch & CERT groups, and organizations with the latest information about emergency two-way radio communications, with the mantras: “hope for the best, prepare for the worst” and “Better Safe Than Sorry!”
These words of wisdom have been borne out time and time again through history, and with a growing threat from man-made and natural disasters, it’s really just a matter of time before one might be faced with a serious or even life-threatening emergency. BetterSafeRadio will show readers just what they need in terms of portable GMRS, MURS, FRS, CB & Ham/Amateur radio gear, how to best utilize the different radio bands available, and how to program and operate emergency radios.
We’re still busy rolling out EmComm (emergency communications) info, two-way radio gear & accessories, and will be adding new features and signature BSR ReadySetGo™ kits over time. Please check out our first hot deal on the TERA TR-505 GMRS/MURS/WX Dual-Band VHF/UHF Two-Way Radio and come back and visit again soon!
73 de K6LED
(that means Best Regards or Cheers from Me (call sign), in Ham radio speak)