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ReadySafeGo™ Means Your Two-Way Radio Is Good To Go!

ReadySafeGo = Charged, Programmed, Tested & No DOA!

Here’s a common scenario: You spend perhaps hours researching the right gear for your emergency or prepper/SHTF communications rig, place your order and wait patiently (or not – hehe). You check your tracking link and the day has come – your radios are going to arrive today. Maybe you even block out a little extra time to play with everything later that day, and then the dreaded happens… one of your radios is DOA and you start cursing the Chinese gods!

Or in another less disappointing but common scenario, your radios work fine, but you can’t use them until you charge the battery packs for a couple hours. What fun is that?!

There’s nothing more frustrating and we’ve been there! That’s why at, we’ve created our ReadySafeGo™ service – It’s our policy and pledge to you that we charge every battery pack and pre-program (or custom program when available) most radios before they get packed and shipped to you!

ReadySafeGo = Charged, Programmed, Tested & No DOA!

We make sure each Li-ion battery pack (including spares) are at least shelf-charged so that when you unbox your new two-way radio, you can use it immediately.

That’s what we would expect as a customer, so that’s what we deliver!

While we can’t possibly test your radio with all accessories (and sometimes that’s a sanitary thing, for example with earpieces and speaker mics), this policy has let us maintain a nearly 100% NO DOA radios success rate, with well over 10,000 radios shipped. That means no radio return hassles for you, our loyal customer.

Now, we did originally experience repeated QC (Quality Control) issues with the TERA/Powerwerx radios, and while they were reliable radios when you got a good one, there were just far too many returns on our end. This was totally unacceptable, so we dropped the brand (and also because of their horrible dealer support and several customer complaints about problems with their sales & support staff).

Things are much different now with our reliable direct line of high-quality Wouxun radios, with unparalleled factory QC.

Image of current Wouxun radios available at BetterSafeRadio/

We also visually inspect all radio contents and other accessories make sure everything is in order.

Most radio importers and dealers (especially the big radio superstores) can’t afford to offer this level of personalized service, but we feel it’s a must, even though it does cost us some extra time (i.e. money).

The last thing you need as a prepper, survivalist, active EmComm Amateur, business user, or just a casual GMRS/MURS or HAM operator trying to protect yourself and your family from a disaster or the unknown, is to be stuck with a DOA radio. When you buy a two-way radio from BetterSafeRadio, you’ll have the confidence of knowing that your gear will be ReadySafeGo™!

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XMAS New Years SALE – Save 10% on Everything!

BetterSafeRadio XMAS New Years SALE 2017 Promo

It’s that time of year to give to others (or yourself)! smiley wink Image

Save 10% on all Two-Way Radio Gear*

XMAS New Years SALE 2017 – December 20th to January 5th Only!

BetterSafeRadio XMAS New Years SALE 2017 Promo

Buy solid, commercial-grade two-way radios pre-programmed with all the frequencies you need for safety, emergencies or a SHTF event, and select from a host of must-have accessories for all of your operating modes, for years of ReadySafeGo™ service, whenever you need it.

*Good December 20th – January 5th 2017 on all radios, accessories, and custom radio programming services – One Coupon Per Order.

Checkout with Coupon Code: XNY2017

Missed the sale? Save 5% on everything with coupon code: BSR

Happy Holidays from!

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Black Friday Sale Week – Save 10% on 3+ Radios

BetterSafeRadio Black Friday Sale Week 2016 Promo

It’s that time of year again when you can justify buying yourself some toys…

because the deals are so good!

Get 10% Off 3 or more Emergency Radios*

Black Friday Sale Week 2016 – November 23-30 Only!

BetterSafeRadio Black Friday Sale Week 2016 Promo

Either stock or pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for safety, recreation or emergencies, these commercial-grade, rugged handheld two-way radios will provide years of ReadySafeGo™ service, whenever you need it.

*Good November 23-30th 2016 on any 3 TERA radios – One Coupon Per Order.

Checkout with Coupon Code: BSRBF

Want a deal on only 1 or 2 radios or some accessories? Save 5% on everything with coupon code: BSR

Happy Thanksgiving from!

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Make America SAFE Again! – Post-Election SALE

Make America SAFE Again with BetterSafeRadio

The election is finally over and it’s time to Make America SAFE Again!

Save 5% On All TERA TR-505TR-590 or TR-500 Emergency Radios during our Post-Election Sale.

Make America SAFE Again

Pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for safety, recreation, emergencies or SHTF, these commercial-grade, rugged handheld two-way radios will provide years of ReadySafeGo™ service, whenever you need it.

Checkout with Coupon Code: BSR

Happy Veterans Day from!