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Fourth of July 2024 SALE!

Promotional image for July 4th 2024 sale event

Happy Independence Day America!

Save an Extra $4–10 on all Wouxun superheterodyne HAM, GMRS & LMR Two-Way Radios. One Day Only!


Save on all of these amazing radios

KG-UV9PX HAMFlagship HAM SHTF Prepper EDCSave $10 More
KG-UV9GX GMRSFlagship GMRS SHTF Prepper EDCSave $10 More
KG-UV9G PRO GMRSOriginal PRO GMRS Two-WaySave $10 More
KG-UV9D Plus+ HAMThe Original 9D Plus, but Even Better!Save $4 More
KG-UV7D LMR or HAMSimple Part 90 Business or HAMSave $4+ More
KG-916 GMRSQuality UHF Superhet GMRSSave $4 More
KG-UVA1-V2 HAMReliable HAM “220” SuperhetSave $4 More

Look for other Surprise Accessory Discounts also!

On Sale July 4th 2024 ONLY (in all time-zones)!
– No Coupon Code Required for this BetterSafeRadio SALE –

When the SHTF, BetterSafeRadio than Sorry!™

>> Are You Prepared? – Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!

BetterSafeRadio July4th 2024 Promo v1 Image

These high-end radios are pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for SHTF prepping, emergencies, survival, neighborhood safety, business, CERT, special events, and recreational activities like camping, off-roading, over-landing, AMSAT, hunting and hiking. Our rugged LMR, GMRS and Amateur Radio handhelds & accessories will provide years of at-the-ready service, whenever you need it.

No Coupon Code Necessary – While Supplies Last.

Happy Independence Day America!
–Mark (K6LED | WQXR567)

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Wouxun Summer Pricing!

Image of current Wouxun radios available at BetterSafeRadio/

Get a Superhet Wouxun HAM, GMRS or LMR Two-Way Radio for Less!

Save on all of these amazing radios before they’re gone…

KG-UV9PX HAMFlagship HAM SHTF Prepper EDCOnly $189
KG-UV9GX GMRSFlagship GMRS SHTF Prepper EDCOnly $189
KG-UV9G PRO GMRSOriginal PRO GMRS Two-WayOnly $149
KG-UV9D Plus+ HAMThe Original 9D Plus, but Even Better!Only $129
KG-UV7D LMR or HAMReliable Part 90 Biz or HAM SuperhetOnly $119+
KG-916 GMRSQuality UHF Superhet GMRSOnly $89
KG-UVA1-V2 HAMReliable HAM “220” SuperhetOnly $119

Look for other Accessory Discounts also.

When the SHTF, BetterSafeRadio than Sorry!™

>> Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late to Get Prepared!

Image of current Wouxun radios available at BetterSafeRadio/

These high-end radios are pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for SHTF prepping, emergencies, survival, neighborhood safety, business, CERT, special events, and recreational activities like camping, off-roading, over-landing, AMSAT, hunting and hiking. Our rugged LMR, GMRS and Amateur Radio handhelds & accessories will provide years of at-the-ready service, whenever you need it.

No Coupon Code Necessary – While Supplies Last.

–Mark (K6LED | WQXR567)

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Memorial Day 2024 SALE!

BetterSafeRadio Memorial Day 2024 SALE Promo Image

Honoring Our Veterans & Fallen Heroes

Save an Extra $2–17 on Wouxun superheterodyne HAM, GMRS & LMR Two-Way Radios & Accessories. One Day Only!

This day serves as a poignant reminder of the high cost of freedom and the valor of those who have given their lives in defense of their country. We express our gratitude and reverence, enduring respect and remembrance for these heroes to ensure that their legacy and the values they fought to protect endure in the collective memory of the nation.

Save on all of these amazing radios

KG-UV9PX HAMFlagship HAM SHTF Prepper EDCSave $12
KG-UV9GX GMRSFlagship GMRS SHTF Prepper EDCSave $17
KG-UV9G PRO GMRSOriginal PRO GMRS Two-WaySave $12
KG-UV9D Plus+ HAMThe Original 9D Plus, but Even Better!Save $7
KG-UV7D LMR or HAMSimple Part 90 Business or HAM SuperhetSave $2–3
KG-916 GMRSQuality UHF Superhet GMRSSave $7
KG-UVA1-V2 HAMReliable HAM “220” SuperhetSave $2

Look for other Surprise Accessory Discounts!

On Sale May 27th 2024 (in all time-zones)!
– No Coupon Code Required for this BetterSafeRadio SALE –

When the SHTF, BetterSafeRadio than Sorry!™

>> Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late to Get Prepared!

BetterSafeRadio Memorial Day 2024 SALE Promo Image

These high-end radios are pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for SHTF prepping, emergencies, survival, neighborhood safety, business, CERT, special events, and recreational activities like camping, off-roading, over-landing, AMSAT, hunting and hiking. Our rugged LMR, GMRS and Amateur Radio handhelds & accessories will provide years of at-the-ready service, whenever you need it.

No Coupon Code Necessary – While Supplies Last.

Ask about an extra discount if you are gifting a radio to the spouse of a fallen hero, an active duty soldier, or a veteran.

Thank You for Your Service!
–Mark (K6LED | WQXR567)

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You Deserve a BetterSafeRadio SALE!

The Black Friday Cyber Monday You Deserve a BetterSafeRadio SALE promo image.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2023

Save an Extra $2–10 on Wouxun superheterodyne HAM, LMR & GMRS Two-Way Radios & Accessories.

I just reduced prices across the board for November, but let’s do more!

KG-UV9PX HAMFlagship HAM SHTF Prepper EDC$10 More OFF
KG-UV9GX GMRSFlagship GMRS SHTF Prepper EDC$10 More OFF
KG-UV9G PRO GMRSOriginal PRO GMRS Two-Way$10 More OFF
KG-UV9D Plus+ HAMThe Original 9D Plus, Now Even Plus-er!$10 More OFF
KG-UV7D LMR or HAMPart 90 Business or HAM Superhet$2 More OFF
KG-916 GMRSQuality UHF Superhet GMRS$10 More OFF
KG-UVA1-V2 LMR or HAMPart 90 Business or HAM Superhet$4 More OFF

BLO-009 – 2600 mAh Li-ion for KG-916, UV8D Plus, UV8E – Only $24
BLO-010 – 2000 mAh Li-ion for ALL UV9-Series HAM & GMRS – Only $20
BLO-012 – 3200 mAh Li-ion for ALL UV9-Series HAM & GMRS – Only $25
BLO-033 – 2200 mAh USB-C Li-ion for ALL UV9-Series HTs – Only $27

RPS-KGUV9G – RT Sys. Prog. Software/Cable for UV9GX/G PRO – Only $43
RPS-KGUV9P – RT Sys. Prog. Software/Cable for UV9PX/P – Only $43
RPS-KGUV9D – RT Sys. Prog. Software/Cable for UV9D++/D+/Mate – Only $43
RPS-KGUV7D – RT Sys. Prog. Software/Cable for UV7D – Only $35
RPS-KGUV6 – RT Sys. Prog. Software/Cable for UV6-Series – Only $35

NCO-002 – Nylon Window HT Case for UV9-Series w/Belt Clip – Only $19
Most Original Tuned Smiley Antennas – $1 More OFF

Other Surprise Accessory Discounts – Visit Often!

On Sale Nov 23rd (3pm PT) to Nov 28th (12am PT) Only!
– No Coupon Code Required for this BetterSafeRadio SALE –

When the SHTF, BetterSafeRadio than Sorry!™

>> Now is the time to Get Prepared!

The Black Friday Cyber Monday You Deserve a BetterSafeRadio SALE promo image.

These high-end radios are pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for SHTF prepping, emergencies, survival, neighborhood safety, business, CERT, special events, and recreational activities like camping, overlanding, AMSAT, hunting and hiking. Our rugged LMR, GMRS and Amateur Radio handhelds & accessories will provide years of at-the-ready service, whenever you need it.

No Coupon Code Necessary – While Supplies Last.

Cheers from Mark (K6LED | WQXR567)!

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Are you Ready For SHTF? The TR-590 Emergency Two-Way Radio Is!

TERA TR-590 Commercial Ham Two-Way Handheld Radio - Assembled Specs

TERA TR-590 Commercial Ham Two-Way Handheld Radio - Assembled SpecsFor some, it’s almost a conflict of conscience spending any time thinking about a SHTF (S#it Hits The Fan) situation, but borrowing from our slogan and the common intuition of careful thinkers everywhere, it’s always prudent to be “Better Safe Than Sorry!” To that end, we’re happy to introduce our latest custom pre-programmed radio offering, the TERA TR-590 emergency radio. It’s the ultimate survivalist prepper SHTF two-way radio!

Utilizing the same solid commercial-grade build quality and ease of use that has made the TERA TR-505 GMRS/MURS radio so popular for recreational and local safety/emergency use, the TR-590 makes for the perfect handheld in times of every day emergencies, natural disasters, civil unrest, or even U.S. elections! smiley wink Image

TERA TR-590 Commercial Ham Two-Way Radio - ContentsWith an IP54 Dust & Water (splash) Resistance rating, True Dual Receive, Front Panel Programming & VFO Mode, 3 Tx Power Levels, Scanning and everything else you would expect in a compact, affordable Part 90 commercial radio, this signature BSR ReadySafeGo™ offering comes charged, programmed and tested so you can use it right out of the box.

Some customers have programmed this radio for SHTF, packed with just about every emergency frequency you can think of that individual preppers, survivalists, businesses, government, public service agencies and organizations like CERT, Neighborhood Watch, ARES & RACES use during emergencies. While not “type-accepted” for some of these bands (as is the case with all prepper/SHTF radios), it has been used with all the standard VHF/UHF services, such as GMRS, FRS, MURS, LMR (land mobile/business), MMS (marine), WX (NOAA “All-Hazards” Weather), CAP (civil air patrol), HAM (amateur radio), PMR446 (UK/Euro FRS) and 20 FM Broadcast Radio Stations. The Part 90 TR-590 is only FCC certified for use on the LMR band.

Special Rx-only emergency service frequencies include FEMA, USCG, FIRE Inter-Department, LAW Intersystem, Urban S&R, VLAW, CALAW, USNG, USMIL, USICE, USFED Law, USG Civil Agencies, NIRS Cache, NIFC, USDOS, and the ISS (International Space Station Ham Downlink), adding a vast array of sources for information and intel to your BOB (bug-out bag). The customer-submitted TR-590-SHTF channel programming chart PDF can be downloaded on the TR-590 product page.

Don’t need all of these bands and just want the basic emergency frequencies or want something totally custom? We can custom radio programming for you!

TERA 500-Series Handheld Two-Way Radio AccessoriesThe TR-590 is compatible with all the great TERA 500-Series Accessories, including a battery case, nylon radio case, extra battery packs, 12V battery eliminator (cigarette lighter adapter), speaker mics, covert earpieces, external antennas and cloning/programming cables. As well, free programming (or advanced premium) software is available for access to internal settings not available in the front panel LCD/Keypad menu system.

Each radio comes with a lithium-ion batterydesk chargerdual-band flexible whip antennasturdy belt clip w/ screws, user manual & wrist strap.

The TR-590 also makes for a great Ham HT (handle-talkie), with advanced features like PL Tone Scanning, VFO Tuning, Repeater Offset, Keypad Lock, Single or Dual Receive and even Split-Band Channel programming. Narrow-Band compliance is also provided for commercial and public service Land Mobile users, and a handy built-in flashlight (with optional flashing alarm mode) comes standard.

When you’re ready to get serious about EmComm (emergency communications) and move up from the unreliable throw-away blister-pack GMRS/FRS radios you find at the superstore, and the Chinese budget Baofeng radios that have a lower build-quality, less reliability and are known to emit spurious radiation that can disrupt adjacent services and draw unnecessary attention to your radio operations, make the investment your conscience deserves by picking up a TR-590 today! – Only available at

Check out the TR-590 and be prepared!