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Why A MURS Handheld Radio Might Just Be Your Very Best Friend!

MURS Handheld Radio
Typical FRS Radios
Typical older FRS & hybrid FRS/GMRS radios

Many consumers are aware of the FRS Band and hybrid FRS/GMRS radios, commonly referred to as bubble-pack radios or “walkie-talkies,” that you can find at your local electronics, sports or superstore. Many ham/amateur radio users are also aware of dedicated GMRS or commercial “Part 90” radios, which many use on the GMRS Band (although not technically legal).

Another piece of radio spectrum, which is part of the same Personal Radio Service (PRS), that many consumers, hams and commercial radio users aren’t aware of, is the MURS Band. MURS stands for Multi-Use Radio Service, and is a set of 5 VHF channels usable for both personal and business use, does not require a license, and is typically utilized much less than the popular FRS/GMRS bands. Learn more about the MURS Band and view a channel chart here.

Product flyer for the Retevis RT27V MURS Personal Business License-Free Two-Way RadioBeing that MURS is in the VHF range (as opposed to UHF for FRS/GMRS), it’s typically better-suited for rural and outdoor uses. While the MURS rules limit use to 2 Watts, some MURS radios can use external antennas, which allows high-gain antennas and more range than most FRS radios with a fixed/integrated antenna can achieve. Fortunately, BetterSafeRadio has several MURS radios for sale! Our legal FCC-compliant RT27V-MURS radio is our most affordable type-accepted configuration.

Even though there are only 5 MURS channels to choose from, they are often quiet and underutilized, making them a great option for your family or business communications. BetterSafeRadio has designated MURS channel 2 as the Neighborhood Safety Channel for it’s popular Long Beach Safety Radio ( custom radio programming option and available in other areas by request) because of its high availability. Because the band requires no license, individuals families and businesses can use the same channel to coordinate local safety and anti-crime operations, with MURS channel 3 being the unofficial prepper/survivalist emergency channel for disasters, using the 3-3-3 Radio Plan (more on this and our modified radio plan soon). MURS channels 4 & 5 are often used for business, given that they were previously part of the Business Band. You can sometimes still hear stores like Walmart or even some drive-thru restaurants making use of those channels, but in many areas, they are often quiet and unused.

MURS Handheld RadioWith the advantages of using affordable VHF MURS radios like the Retevis RT-27V-MURS and an array of accessories available such as a speaker mic or earpiece, a ReadySafeGo™ MURS handheld radio from BSR might just be your very best friend! 🙂

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XMAS New Years SALE – Save 10% on Everything!

BetterSafeRadio XMAS New Years SALE 2017 Promo

It’s that time of year to give to others (or yourself)! smiley wink Image

Save 10% on all Two-Way Radio Gear*

XMAS New Years SALE 2017 – December 20th to January 5th Only!

BetterSafeRadio XMAS New Years SALE 2017 Promo

Buy solid, commercial-grade two-way radios pre-programmed with all the frequencies you need for safety, emergencies or a SHTF event, and select from a host of must-have accessories for all of your operating modes, for years of ReadySafeGo™ service, whenever you need it.

*Good December 20th – January 5th 2017 on all radios, accessories, and custom radio programming services – One Coupon Per Order.

Checkout with Coupon Code: XNY2017

Missed the sale? Save 5% on everything with coupon code: BSR

Happy Holidays from!

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Cyber Monday Sale – Save 10% on TERA TR-590

BetterSafeRadio Cyber Monday Sale 2016 Promo

Here’s what emergency preppers and scanning enthusiasts have been waiting for!

Save 10% on the TERA TR-590 Emergency Radio*

Cyber Monday Sale 2016 – November 28-30 Only!

BetterSafeRadio Cyber Monday Sale 2016 Promo

Pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for safety, emergencies or a SHTF event, these commercial-grade, rugged handheld two-way radios will provide years of ReadySafeGo™ service, whenever you need it.

*Good November 28-30th 2016 on any TERA TR-590 radio – One Coupon Per Order.

Checkout with Coupon Code: CM2016

Want a deal on the TERA TR-505, TR-500 or some accessories? Save 5% on everything with coupon code: BSR

Happy Holidays from!

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Making Long Beach, California Neighborhoods Safer with the LBCA5 Safety Radio

BetterSafeRadio TR-505 Long Beach Neighborhood Safety Two-Way Radio

We’re thrilled to present our unique Long Beach, California Neighborhood Safety Two-Way Radio!

BetterSafeRadio TR-505 Long Beach Neighborhood Safety Two-Way RadioBased on the tried and true TERA TR-505 dual-band 16 channel emergency two-way radio and custom programmed with everything you need in a local Long Beach safety radio, the LBCA5 provides a solid, commercial-grade 2-5 Watt radio with IP54 dust & water (splash) resistance.

Whether you’re interested in making Long Beach safer by coordinating and reporting suspicious activity or calling for help on the Long Beach Neighborhood Safety Channels (MURS 2 or FRS/GMRS 2), or if you want an emergency radio with 5 VHF MURS or 5 UHF GMRS/FRS channels, or if you would like to monitor the Long Beach Police and Fire/EMS frequencies to know what’s going on in your area (including the helicopter) to keep you out of harm’s way, this radio has you covered. It also doubles as a scanner on the 6 UHF LBPD dispatch and Car to Car repeater channels, and the 3 VHF LB Fire/EMS dispatch and TAC channels.

BetterSafeRadio TERA TR-505-LBCA5G Programming Chart v04Wonder what the current or future weather forecast is? We’ve included the Los Angeles/Ventura & Orange County/San Bernardino NOAA NWS (National Weather Service) “WX” weather channels, which broadcast the current conditions and forecast 24/7, and also doubles as the “All Hazards” emergency/disaster stations as part of the Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS).

The GMRS/FRS channels allow you to communicate with your kids and neighbors on their blister-pack hybrid FRS/GMRS radios, or other existing GMRS and LB Safety Radio operators. Note: Transmitting on GMRS does require a no-test license from the FCC (currently est. $70 for 10 years), but it covers the entire family and only takes a couple days to obtain online.

See the custom programming chart here and check out the TERA TR-505 product page for all the details on this rugged, high-performance radio. And don’t forget the accessories! We carry a growing list of high-quality TERA accessories such as speaker mics, covert earpieces and antennas to either go long-distance or totally stealth, so you can get the most out of your investment.

BetterSafeRadio TERA TR-505-LBCA5G Programming Chart v04Our vision is to have at least one Long Beach Neighborhood Safety Radio user on every block, creating a grid of communication throughout the city. We believe that with some practice (including weekly or monthly training drills, called NETs), community policing can assist our Public Safety professionals and provide eyes everywhere, which can be a powerful crime deterrent. Our ultimate goal is to coordinate relays between this citizens safety radio network, and other volunteer services like CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), coordinated by LB Fire as an extension of FEMA), LB SAR (Search & Rescue), also managed by LB Fire, ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service), RACES (Radio Amateur Communications Emergency Service), REACT, and the Guardian Angels.

We can take back our streets, stay connected, have some fun, and make our city a friendlier, safer and more prepared community to live in… with YOUR help!

Feel free to comment below and let us know what you think, or ask any questions about the radio or our vision of safety and preparedness for Long Beach.

Be Safe Long Beach!