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Wouxun Summer Pricing!

Image of current Wouxun radios available at BetterSafeRadio/

Get a Superhet Wouxun HAM, GMRS or LMR Two-Way Radio for Less!

Save on all of these amazing radios before they’re gone…

KG-UV9PX HAMFlagship HAM SHTF Prepper EDCOnly $189
KG-UV9GX GMRSFlagship GMRS SHTF Prepper EDCOnly $189
KG-UV9G PRO GMRSOriginal PRO GMRS Two-WayOnly $149
KG-UV9D Plus+ HAMThe Original 9D Plus, but Even Better!Only $129
KG-UV7D LMR or HAMReliable Part 90 Biz or HAM SuperhetOnly $119+
KG-916 GMRSQuality UHF Superhet GMRSOnly $89
KG-UVA1-V2 HAMReliable HAM “220” SuperhetOnly $119

Look for other Accessory Discounts also.

When the SHTF, BetterSafeRadio than Sorry!™

>> Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late to Get Prepared!

Image of current Wouxun radios available at BetterSafeRadio/

These high-end radios are pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for SHTF prepping, emergencies, survival, neighborhood safety, business, CERT, special events, and recreational activities like camping, off-roading, over-landing, AMSAT, hunting and hiking. Our rugged LMR, GMRS and Amateur Radio handhelds & accessories will provide years of at-the-ready service, whenever you need it.

No Coupon Code Necessary – While Supplies Last.

–Mark (K6LED | WQXR567)