Just a quick update… We’ve been busy re-coding and reworking how we approach our custom radio programming options, and tweaking (mostly lowering!) some prices lately. Here’s a quick rundown:
- Custom radio programming and consulting are now a separate store items. By separating the stock radios from our custom programming & consulting services, we no longer have to charge CA Sales Tax on such, so CA buyers now only pay tax on the actual hardware. Now, when you buy a radio and want Custom Programming (where you submit all the programming info to us and we handle the actual programming before shipping your order), or want to utilize our Custom Programming Consulting service (where we do all the research, planning and programming for you), you can simply add a stock radio to your cart, and then the appropriate custom programming or consulting item to your cart (each radio model now has its own custom programming item – The TR-505 item is linked above). See all the new programming service items in the TERA Radio Accessories or Wouxun Radio Accessories store categories for more details on how the new process works.
- We’ve also added a new Radio Programming Cloning service item, so instead of paying for 2 or more radios with custom programming or consulting, you just add 1 of those custom service items to your cart, then you add the cloning service item and set the quantity to cover all of the radios you want cloned – just $9/ea for the TR-505/500 clones. This saves you from $10-30+ on each cloned radio over buying multiple custom programmed radios!
- Our TERA TR-505 custom pre-programmed radio options, such as our legal MURS, GMRS or newly revised Long Beach Neighborhood Safety radios have been reduced in price from $114.95 to $109 – That’s almost $6 cheaper, without a sale! Other radios have been price-reduced as well, and more options are coming soon!
- Some of the pre-programmed SHTF radio options that we’ve offered in the past that were based on customer-submitted programming charts that may not have been “type-accepted” configurations, now require our custom programming service. You can still find the same programming charts like the TR-505 “GMAX” and “D” radios on the TR-505 product page, but you now need to specify that you want one of those customer-submitted programming charts used along with our custom programming service (just $19 for the TR-505/500, and don’t forget the $9 cloning option for 2 or more radios). We’ll be releasing some new FCC-compliant pre-programming options soon, as well as publishing more customer-submitted SHTF options, including a new series of Patriot/Militia programming options! Have any ideas for new killer radio configurations? We’d love to hear about them!
- We’ve finally released the Excel XLSX custom programming template for the TR-505 (found under the description on the product page and which can also be used for the TR-500), and we plan on finally working on templates for our other radios very soon, to help make the custom programming process smoother. As well, we’ve made some improvements to the TR-505-C custom programming options document (also found under the description on the product page), which now includes all CTCSS/PL Tones and DCS Code options, so you don’t have to look them up. We’ll also be adding as many PDF manuals for our radios as we can find, so you can get to know the radios before buying or planing your custom programming project.
- Finally, we have the new AnyTone AT-D868UV Dual-Band 6 Watt Part 90 Commercial/Emergency Analog/Digital DMR radios in stock and will be adding them to the store soon for just $159 (stock) – a customer-submitted SHTF programming option will follow soon. If you just can’t wait, we can always setup a custom order for you now, so let us know.
Stay tuned for more details and useful programming options and let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.
Cheers and Be Safe!
-BSR Mark