Celebrate American Independence
during the BSR 4th of July Sale!
Save an additional $5–20 on most high-end Wouxun superheterodyne HAM, GMRS or LMR HTs:*
Inflation-Busting American Independence Deals on the following Wouxun Two-Way Radios…
KG-UV9PX HAM – The HAM Prepper SHTF Standard – $20 OFF!!!
KG-UV9G PRO GMRS – The Original PRO SHTF GMRS! – $15 OFF!!
KG-UV9D Plus+ HAM – The Original, But Now Better! – $5 OFF! NEW
KG-UV7D LMR/HAM – Solid Dual-Band Part 90 Business Superhet! – $5 OFF!
KG-916 GMRS – Quality Superhet GMRS – New Low Price! – $5 OFF!
Save EVEN MORE by using an affiliate coupon code!
July 4th, 2023 ONLY!
When the SHTF, BetterSafeRadio than Sorry!™
>> Shop the BetterSafeRadio 4th of July Sale NOW!
Most radios are pre-programmed with the frequencies you need for SHTF prepping, emergencies, survival, neighborhood safety, business, Public Safety, CERT, special events, and recreational activities like camping, overlanding, AMSAT, hunting and hiking, our rugged personal and ham handheld two-way radios will provide years of at-the-ready service, whenever you need it.
*Good on July 4th Only – No Coupon Code Necessary – While Supplies Last.
Happy 4th America from Mark (K6LED | WQXR567) @ BetterSafeRadio.com!